Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The only thing I know about my happiness...

Is what makes me not happy !!!

I'll prolly have quite a few posts like this one...

My old best friend (we had a falling out when he came out and said he 'loved' me one day) now has a dog from his last relationship.

This dog is terrible ! Not only is it not well kept and has two different colored eyes (which jus bothers me for an odd undescribed reason), he has no control over it. Yes I call the dog, it! It can't stay calm for a second. It does nothing he tells it to, he can't even leave it outside. Yes that animal can't stay outdoors because it is to bat-poop crazy!

The real thing that ticks me off, is this guy has his own home. Which is really pretty nice, he used to have the best parties around. This dog has torn his house apart! The tile by the door has been ripped to pieces, yes people, tile!!! How does a dog tear up tile? no clue, but his excuse for it is... she's part coyote. Maybe you shouldn't get a dog that's part WILD ANIMAL?!?!

He's tried to come on to me, which really in my current state of male problems. It wouldn't be a bad option BUT I refuse to be in his house. This dog has torn up pillows, couch, and carpet... it smells of dirty dog. His place is now so disgusting I can barely use the restroom in his place. And he lets this dirty dog sleep in his bed.

Only if he knew, I'm not sleeping with you because of your disgusting dog.

Not gonna lie, I've thought about secretly killing his dog. Like jus dropping a dark chocolate candy bar in the house... but I could never do anything like that. But it really would help his lack of "getting laid" problem. Even if I was drunk as balls, I wouldn't go in his bed. You think he'd notice. But apparently he has slept with one girl since his ex- which he won't tell me about...so he prolly went to her place, or she won't come back cuz she realized she was in stinky dog hell. I personally think he made her up to be less embarrassed that he hasn't rebounded after his ex. But we'll see.

For now I'll dodge his dog, because she makes me unhappy.

The second part of this unhappy story about my old best friend, I'll just call 'Moe". Is that he has been unemployed for what seems to be forever. I'm telling you at least 6 months. He is like my drunk buddy. I need to go have a few beers and not care about what happens later. He is always in to just enjoy the night. BUT ! since he's unemployed, we can't have that fun bonding experience anymore. It sucks. Cuz I jus want to go out and kinda get wasted.... well a good buzz to a point where I prolly shouldn't drive and get a cab.

He is like my only friend who is still willing to do that without: judging, wants to be DD, or does not know how to have a good time.

So I need to dodge people who are satisfied with not having a job... because they can't go out and enjoy having a bar tab to pay for.

The one thing that does make me happy about having "Moe" in my life. Is he is always up as late as I am. I'm talking like 2-3AM late. Him and I are natural night owls as most people call it.

I do like night time people. I don't understand morning people... but maybe some day, I can become one.

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